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London Reflections



Create value and unique additional cashflow 


As Acquirer you address integration issues quickly and early during the post merger transaction in order to realize the unique value of the investment. Especially in the Logistic Industry many mergers underperform and fail to create unique value. I had the opportunity to be part of integrations teams for several global logistic mergers during my previous assignments. Every merger is different and without doubt complications will appear that nobody expected. It is important to have solid program management in place, but standard procedures on power point or flashy playbooks have their limits. In the Logistic industry first hand experience is the key to success. Resiliency and out-of-the-box thinking is needed to master the unforeseen. Today, I support enterprises and clients in the Industry with my expertise to keep the momentum generating the unique incremental cashflows making your merger a success. 


Guido Gries 

Founder and CEO 


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